Saturday, December 9, 2006

Delila's Diary

Today was a good day. Mom played her ocean waves CD really loud in her room to drown out the noises which came from outside her room in order to keep Rocky and Buddy asleep longer and to stop them from barking at every little sound and waking her up. This meant Samson and I got to have more time out in the house alone before the boys got up and came to hang out with us. Mom slept until about 9 am which she was excited about because so far Buddy and Rocky have been waking her up around 7am. She hung out with us all until about 11 and then headed off to deal with clients. She came back to pick up K and they headed to brunch with P & V. They finally straggled in and then mom hung out with us all. We all 4 got to eat dinner, Rocky and Buddy got to eat a treat and then they both came and snuggled with my mom while she made all her phone calls. When they were finished she turned on the TV and then I jumped up on her lap to play with the computer but eventually fell asleep on her shoulder. It was kinda hard for me to fall asleep at first because Rocky and Buddy kept playing around and wrestling with each other. When Rocky got tired he finally went under his blankie on the down pillow and Buddy tried to play with Samson. It was a very good try because he succeeded. Samson sat on the couch while Buddy stood near him and kept snapping at him. When he snapped Samson swatted but neither actually touched the other. Finally Buddy got the idea that swatting was the cat way to play so he kept swatting at Samson. They played for 5 or more minutes like that and finally something distracted Buddy so Samson fell asleep. Kinda neat watching the whole interspecial harmony thing happen but I know as the huntress in the family it is my job to corner, stalk, and eat them - and if I can't do that I'll at least eat their food.

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