Monday, May 28, 2007

Sara Lou's Journal

Today the petsitter got here really early. She said she had to get ready for a wedding so she could only stay an hour. I hate weddings. Until cats have equal rights I'll never support human weddings. It's just not fair that humans can get married but cats can't. As if we aren't capable of love or something. Why is it that I have to be ruled by their God if he's not mine?

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Winnie's Journal

Today was great. The petsitter got here really really early and spent a whole hour with us. I think it was more than an hour actually cause she usually spends an hour and this time seemed longer. She didn't stay past two hours though I know because she said she had to go get her hair done and that it would take 4 hours. I'm glad it doesn't take me that long.

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Sara Lou's Journal

Hello All. The scavenger hunt is going great. Today I hid the play rope under a rug. It took the pet sitter a long time to find it and then the reward was mine because we got to play with it after that.

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Winnie's Journal

Another day in America. I have been in the kitchen all day long watching the news to figure out why the pet sitter may have left the door closed today to keep me from sniffing at the air outside. She said that there was a bunch of smoke outside relating to the fires in Florida but I don't believe her. She is known to exagerate so she won't have to open that door. The other day she told me it was 83 degrees and that she didn't want to waste my mom's electricity cooling off the outside.

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Sara Lou's Diary

Today the petsitter had me laughing. It was 10pm or later when she left and someone was blocking my mom's drive way with their car. She went to the neighbors house and asked her if it would be possible to make sure people park in the driveway of those they are visiting. It was soooo funny because the neighbor lady was sleeping at the time and her son was having company which is why there were cars all around the place. She came in mumbling something about how Quin wouldn't have a place to park and then he couldn't get in the driveway either. It was kind of funny. She really is annoyed by the neighbors over there. I can't say I disagree with her though. There is plenty of space in the driveway of the place they are visiting for them to park.

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Winnie's Journal

The pet sitter was here again gathering up pencils. I have to agree with Sara Lou on this one. It is definitely funny to watch the petsitter run around trying to locate the pencils around the house.

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Sara Lou's Journal

Today I decided to start playing a treasure search game with the pet sitter. I have started with the pencils. I'm going to hide all the pencils in the house and see how long it takes the pet sitter to find them and whether or not she can figure out where they go. Won't this be fun!?

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Winnie's Journal

I love it when the petsitter comes. Besides the fact that she always freshens our water, scoops the litter and feeds us she distracts little Sara Lou for a while. When my mom isn't around to distract her during the day it gets a little hectic so I'm always relieved when the pet sitter gets here to help me out a little.

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Sara Lou's Journal

Whew!!! This morning was tiring. I had fun running all around the house while the pet sitter did her work. She went to scoop the litter boxes in the back room and I decided that I wanted to run laps around the back room while I watched her do her job. It was fun.

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Winnie's Journal

Tonight the pet sitter said she was tired and she didn't have the energy to scoop the litter box. I told her it would be alright if she promised to do it tomorrow first thing in the morning. She said OK.

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Sara Lou's Journal

the pet sitter slept in today and got here late so she had to rush out. I missed playing the rope game with her.

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Winnie's Journal

Today was the first day of the rest of my life. I'm wondering how long that will be. I'm glad I'm good with just sitting around the house while little Sara Lou Who ransacks the place. It's kinda fun to watch her and it eventually puts me to sleep thinking of how worn out I'd be if it were me doing all that running around.

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Sara Lou's Journal

Today is a good day. I ate and kicked around in the litter box and ransacked the house. How much better can it really get?

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Winnie's Journal

Hello everyone. I have decided that I need more pictures. I am sad that the pet sitter's camera is broken right now. As soon as she gets it repaired I have to get a couple more pictures. I'm tired of my old ones and I need to keep ahead of Sara Lou when she starts getting her pics up on line. Wish me luck. I'm hoping to get a modeling contract for Fresh Step.

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Sara Lou's Journal

Hello all. It's me again. Little cute Sara Lou. I'm having fun with this blogging thing even if I don't put too much down when I do my journaling. Maybe in the future I'll do more. I had a lot of fun this morning playing in the litter box. I wish I had a sand box all my own like I did back when I lived in the wild. I used to go over to the playground near where I lived and kick around in that big sand box the kids played in all the time. It was some of the most fun I used to have. Oh the old days when I was younger than 7 cat years old. I miss those days.

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Tiger Lily's Journal

Hello all. I know I'm late but I have just been all kinds of busy lounging around with my mom since she's been home. I figured this was the day to update the blog on what I did on the 19th. Life was of course grand. The pet sitter wasn't here for too long which gave me the opportunity to eat all of Skye's food before my mom got home the next day. It was great. I love my little chubby self. I remember back in the day when I was skinny and I definitely like myself better now.

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Winnie's Journal

Hello all. It's me Winnie. Here for yet another evening of bliss. I hope you have enjoyed hearing from me each night. I have not had too much energy or time to write too much because I am now balancing life with a new young buddy. It's kinda fun. I'm getting used to her little by little now. I've decided not to hiss at her so much when she comes close to me. I've begun to just give her dirty looks and avoid her each time she comes near me. This seems to work pretty good. She seems to be ok with that. Maybe she doesn't realize she's being snubbed or maybe she doesn't care cause I'm letting her get closer to me now. Either way it's better when we get along cause I don't have to worry about her annoying me nearly as much.

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Sara Lou's Journal

hello people!!! It's so fun to say that. Back in the day when I was a homeless street cat with worms I never would have guessed that I'd say something like that. I was convinced that humans were bad and that none of them would ever take what I said on a serious level. Well wish me luck on the havoc I plan to create today.

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Skye's Diary

Hello all. This is my entry for the 19th. I'm just putting it in a bit late. I heard the petsitter down stairs this morning so I thought I'd come down to see what was going on and I'm glad I did cause she was making us our breakfast and I would have missed it with Tiger Lily on the hunt for food like she generally is. Anyway all is well and was well last night so lets hope it goes the same tonight.

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Winnie's Journal

Hello again. Today the little hooligan jumped around in the litter box and now when I walk through the bathroom it's like being on a gravel road. Not that I would know but that is something tha the pet sitter referred to so it must be true because she is always right. I hope to see her again soon cause she keeps me company from Sara Lou.

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Tiger Lily's Journal

Today is the day that the pet sitter came by again. She has fun slipping through and hanging out with me and Skye. She told me so when we were playing another round of bite the hand. I'm posting a bit late because the day she actually came was the 18th I think. I'm late on my posting as always. I just didn't feel like it cause it causes stress to my eyes. Any way hello and good bye world. I'll see you on the next visit.

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Sara Lou's Journal

Another day another dollar. I don't even know what that means really. I just heard it while I watching TV with the pet sitter a few days ago. Will someone tell me what the hell a dollar is? If it's bad don't tell me though. I like my little naive point of view right now and I'm not ready to grow up.

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Winnie's Journal

Tonight the petsitter came and let me lick some turkey baby food off her fingers. It was a yummy treat. Especially after being here with the little one all day long. She decided to sleep right next to me all day long in the living room. I guess it was ok but a little too close for comfort if I have to say so. Maybe we'll get used to it eventually cause it's a little crowded right now.

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Sara Lou's Journal

Today is another day and I can't wait to reak my havoc on the world. I have been eating all the food that is put in my bowl. I am a bit offended by being called a little piglet all the time but I guess if the shoe fits I can wear it. I'm getting a little pot belly now. I can't wait to get my picture up so all of you can see my little belly for yourselves.

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Winnie's Journal

Today is another day with the young whipper snapper that is now in my house. She's a little rebellious one. She runs around the house putting all she can in disarray. It's kinda fun to watch her until she comes near me. Then I have to hiss at her a little. I'm amazed she has so much energy. I never would have thought that a little person could have so much energy with their little size.

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Sara Lou's Journal

Today I messed up all the rugs again. It was fun watching Quin and Winnie trip over them all day long. I love to sit in the dining area and watch them try to walk around. If any of you have any ideas on what to do next let me know.

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Winnie's Journal

Hello. I roamed around the house all day long tripping over pencils thanks to Sara Lou. She kept leaving them out after playing with them. I sure was glad when the pet sitter got here because she picked them all up and put them on shelves. My mom is going to have a hard time finding them all when she gets home cause they are definitely not in the place where she originally left them.

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Sara Lou Journal

Hello All! I decided to write you all again. Today I went around the house and knocked every pencil I could find off of it's shelf. It was great fun. Winnie just watched me and rolled her eyes. I can't wait to figure out what mayhem to cause tomorrow.

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Winnie's Journal

Today was another boring day. I did get a treat from the petsitter in that she brought my food to me today without me having to go get it. Then just to be nice she distracted Sara Lou so that she wouldn't interrupt my dinner. It was nice.

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Sara Lou's Journal

Hello All! It's me again Sara Lou. I'm here to give you just a little snip of what has been happening in my life lately. I finally decided to let the pet sitter pick me up. It was exciting for her but I was kind of scared. She's kinda big so I wasn't sure if she was gonna squish me or not. She's so loveable with her talking to me I was thinking she may be loveable with her holding too. Maybe like that little girl from the cartoons who loves the animals too much and ends up squishing them. It all turned out ok in the end but I sure was nervous. That's why it didn't last too long before I had to launch an excape attempt.

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Winnie's Journal

So today is just another day in the hood. I'm sitting around the house trying to avoid all the excitement of Sara Lou. She runs around the house like a bat out of hell. She tears up the rugs and scatters litter everywhere. What the hell is all I have to say.

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Sara Lou's Journal

Ok guys I'm still not in pictures yet. My pet sitter said she'd get some pics of me that I could post on line and now her camera is broken. She said she'd only had the thing for about 4 months. She got it as a gift from her step mom and now Canon wants all sorts of info in order for her to get it fixed. Unfortunately all of her things are in storage right now because of her recent move and so she doesn't have access to all the stuff she got with her camera. Life sucks. Who knows if she even has all that stuff still, and secondly who knew that her camera would break after only 4 months? Not saying much for the Canon SD600 is it?

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Winnie Checking In

Hello all. The petsitter got here at 7:30 this morning!! Doesn't she know it's Sunday? What the heck. It was kinda nice actually because she got here early enough that it was still cool outside which meant that she could leave the front door open with just the hook on the screen door so that we can sniff the air. I enjoyed it while she took care of business around the house. That is, of course, until Sara Lou came and tried to nose in on my air time while I was distracted getting my back scratched. I had to run at her and try to give her a big swat. Next time she won't get away. Now she's accusing me of launching a smear campaign against her on the internet just because I told everyone that I felt like I was living with Dr. Seuss. I meant it in a good way. wink wink. Oh well. She thinks she's gonna get me and the pet sitter back for this alleged smear campaign but little does she know we are both older and more experienced than she is in the art of sneakiness. Though I hope I get handicap points for having to work with the pet sitter. She's not so stealthy these days. Matter of fact you can hear her coming from a mile away. Those bi-pedal individuals have more weight on just two of their paws so it makes them have a hard time walking I think.

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Tiger Lily's Check in

Hello All. I know it's been a while since you've seen my little blurry eyes and gotten to read about me and my life. I hope you didn't miss me too much I'd hate to put anyone in too much pain unless they are playing "bite the hand that feeds" with me. Usually the pet sitter is the only one who plays that game with me anyway. She sits in the chair and reclines it back all the way and then I come and sit on the little chair behind her in the dining room. She pulls her hand back like she wants to pet me and I bite at it. That is how I let her know that the game has begun. After that she will put her hand near me and pull it back. The contest is to see whether or not I can sink my teeth in before she pulls away. It's soooo fun!!!! Especially because I win nearly every time we play.

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Sara Lou Who?

Hello All. As you can see I still don't have a picture on the site. Maybe it's because I'm just too elusive for the pet paparazzi to get me in action. I know it's hard to take pictures when you're holding a rope that I'm attacking. Oh well, that is one of my most successful distractions to the pet paparazzi. If I keep them mesmerized by my cuteness then I'm never gonna be caught on film. In the mean time I understand that there is a smear campaign against me on the Internet started by my room mate Winnie West. She's saying something about my name being Sara Lou Who and that she feels like we're in a Dr. Seuss book. I have a lot of patience but if she keeps going with the little smear campaign she's started..... Well let me just say "Oh the places she'll go" In the mean time it's something the pet sitter thinks is kinda funny. I've been ignoring her when she's tried to entice me with the "one fish, two fish" routine when handing me treats. Again we'll see how that goes. I'd hate for her to have to deal with the wrath of my new Mommy when she comes home to a house that looks like the "cat in the hat" has visited. Wish me luck my minions, wish me luck.

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Winnie's Check in

Hello all. It's Friday evening and I'm typing up my journal entry for the night. The pet sitter is here and letting me use the computer. She says if I type up my entry she'll publish it for me later on. I'm sort of bored lately. I have been sitting on my spot on the corner of the couch a lot. I don't know what to do with my self lately ever since Mary Lou died. Now there is the new little rascal in the house Sara Lou. I'm starting to feel like I'm in a Dr. Suess story or somthing with Wendy Lou Who. We'll see how it all goes. At least the pet sitter is here giving me all sorts of attention. She's been staying an hour each time she comes and so all is well. I'll leave you all until tomorrow and let you know if anything has changed in the wild life of Winnie.

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Incompatible Pets

Check out this video. This is an example of incompatible pets. The people who made the video have cats and there is a turtle in the garden which stakes out his territory and chases them around the yard. He nips at them to make them leave his area and they run off with no real ability to fight back because he has a shell to protect himself. The poor cats just want to lounge around in the garden area and all their efforts to relax are thwarted by the turtle sentry of the back yard. It's kinda cute cause I've never seen such a bold turtle. He must have been a dog in a past life.

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Skye's Journal

Hello world. It's been a while since you've seen me. My mom has stopped traveling for a bit of time but now she's back at it. The petsitter came tonight and I let her pet me. I met her at the top of the stairs along with Tiger Lily. I ate a little and then after staring at the pet sitter I decided to go upstairs to hide in my regular spot. Talk to ya tomorrow.

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Sara Lou's Journal

Hello Electronic World!! I'm the new little buddy that Winnie has. I moved into the house a few weeks ago and I've finally made myself right at home. I'm still not used to the pet sitter though. She bugs me out cause I'm not used to people being in here besides mom and her housemate who lives upstairs. I ignored the petsitter the first time she came to visit me when my mom was here because she scared me. I ran and hid under the bed. When the petsitter came by herself last night I ran off again and made sure I was no where to be seen. This morning on the other hand was a different story. I came out into the dining room and when she slowly walked into the room I ran off to the corner but I didn't leave all together because I wanted to see if she would do like my mom and play chase the rope with me. Of course she did!! These humans are so easily entertained. Well I guess that's all I have to say this morning. See ya next time. Maybe I'll get some pictures taken by then.

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Winnie's Check In

Hello All! It's been a while since you've heard from me. My mom has been busy so she hasn't made it out of town. First of all I should tell you about Mary Lou. She passed away from complications of elderliness and city veterinarians. I miss her a lot and so does my mom. Mom burried her next to Ms. Scarlett near the bedroom window so I could sit there and visit them when I wanted to. Mom stayed longer with me before traveling this time so I could get used to Mary Lou being gone. Eventually, she brought home a new little friend for me. My new friend is named Sara Lou. She's cute I guess but she has all sorts of issues because she was a little wild rescue cat. When she got here she had bad gingivitis breath, tapeworms, ear mites, and who knows what else. She's better now. She's little bitty compared to me and she's just a kitten. She was malnourished so we thought she was only about 6 months old but the vet's tell us she's actually a year old. I feel sorry for her but don't let her know that or it will ruin my image with her. I've been hissing now and then just to let her know I'm the boss.

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Count Yourself In