Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Rocky's Diary

Buddy and I got here earlier today and gave the place its initial sniff over. The petsitter wasn't here then so our mom sat with us for a minute and then headed out the door. She forgot our blankies but we did alright without them. The house was a snippit cold but that isn't a problem when you're so furrily endowed as I am. You should see me I'm a prime piece of dog meat. The bitches dig me and the dogs are afraid. Anyway enough about me. When the petsitter got here we were pretty excited. Even Buddy wasn't afraid or anything. For some reason we didn't feel like barking when she came in. We discussed it but I couldn't remember what the reason was for not barking. The petsitter sat all her stuff down and then tried to locate all of our stuff so that she knew where it all was. As soon as she found the leashes we were off for our walk. She grabbed one of the trash bags that needed to go out and walked it around to the dumpster with us. No big deal until she tried to throw the bag into the dumpster. She tossed the bag into the dumpster and the sound of it hitting the bottom of the dumpster scared the crap out of Buddy. He bolted and the petsitter wasn't holding his leash tight enough. Before I knew it she and I were walking behind Buddy all around the neighborhood trying to convince him to come to us. Finally the petsitter turned around and looked at me saying "this is going to be an all night thing isn't it?" About the same time Buddy just walked right up to us and practically handed her his leash. When we got back to the house we didn't go in we actually just grabbed a bunch of light bulbs and walked around the neighborhood to all the apartment buildings changing light bulbs in the stairways. When we got home Buddy was flustered from all the stops and the noise of the bulbs clanking together in the bag. The petsitter let the cats out and then it was a get to know you again sort of situation. Of course after all 4 of us ate Delila came around so she could smack the crap out of me for no reason at all. The petsitter smacked her for me. Samson kept driving Buddy nuts by trying to play with his ears and he finally snapped. Oh the pains of interspecial relationships!! Now it is finally calming down since K (the petsitter's girlfriend) got here. Buddy's napping beside the petsitter, the cats are chasing each other and any bugs coming in the window, I am about to start my snoring marathon beside K on the couch. All is well at Fuzzy Family Central.

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