Sunday, February 4, 2007

Winnie's Diary

Tonight the pet sitter got here around 530 and we were happy to see her because we had already eaten all the food she left us this morning. She gave us even more tonight which will hopefully tide us over until tomorrow morning. We were definitely happy today because she stayed for a long time both times she came today. In the morning she was here for a little over an hour and then this evening she was here an hour too. So it worked out just right. She spent all sorts of time with Mary Lou this morning and then hung with me this evening. She's great. No other pet sitter hangs with us like she does. Most of them only spend 30 minutes and with us it takes that long just to do all the litter, water, food and meds duties. With a regular pet sitter we'd never get any love. Whew!! I don't even want to think about it.

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