Sunday, March 23, 2008

Help Include Pets In Being Protected Against Domestic Violence

Imagine a society where everyone -- including their pets -- is protected from abuse.

Each year, throughout Georgia, countless victims of domestic violence feel they have no choice but to remain in violent households to protect their defenseless pets from harm. Research has shown that up to 48 percent of domestic-violence victims remain in abusive homes out of concern for what might happen to their pets if they left them behind. Sadly, animals are not currently addressed in Georgia’s domestic-violence law.

Georgia House Bill 1242 addresses this issue. The bill would allow judges to include pets in domestic-violence protective orders -- legal orders that would require abusers to not come into contact with, harass or interfere with their victims’ animals.

We owe it to the countless domestic violence victims and survivors throughout Georgia to get this bill passed.

Please support this important legislation by asking Judiciary Non-Civil Committee Chairman David Ralston and Vice Chairman Robert Mumford to schedule HB 1242 for a committee vote and to vote in favor of the bill.

This action alert is for residents of the following states only: Georgia

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