Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mary Lou's Diary

This morning the petsitter showed up at around 1030am. I think she's been sleeping in or something lately. Any way I followed her around the house yelling at her and nagging her for not being here earlier and for taking so long to feed me and for not petting me enough. The list goes on. I tell her every time she's here that she's just not good enough. She told me today that if I keep quacking at her it won't make her go any faster but I don't care. She told me that if my mom had any little kids in the house they'd be confused because I quack instead of meowing and kids would be confused with that. Winnie was laughing in agreement. She thought that agreeing with the petsitter would be a good way of kissing butt in attempt to get the basement door open. It didn't work. Well I'll go for now before my food gets any colder.

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