Monday, November 27, 2006

Tiger Lily's Diary

Hey it's me Tiger Lily!!! I'm writing with exclamation points so you can get the energy of my little high pitched squeeky meow. The petsitter came in and out pretty quickly tonight. She said she'd try to spend more time with us tomorrow morning but that she had to squeeze us into her schedule tonight so she would have to rush. She basically came in and put goo in my eyes, fed us, pet Skye a couple of swipes and took the trash bag and ran out the door. Now that I think about it I had better ask my mom when she comes back whether or not she was allowed to do that. It seems like stealing to me. I'm going to tell my mom she took the trash from the house just in case. Dinner was great tonight because we had a fresh bag of dry food and yummy wet food too. Skye said she was fine with the petsitter running in and then right back out because it gave her the opportunity to eat in peace and have the house to herself. I've got to get off the computer now cause I've been told I have a time limit since other animals get to use it. I hope the petsitter doesn't ever bring me the computer smelling like dog or I may have to spit on it. Any way I'll be back tomorrow night to add another entry to the pet diaries. TTFN tah tah for now.

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