Friday, December 1, 2006

Tiger Lily's Diary

Tonight the petsitter came in to do her normal routine. She fed us, watered us, scooped the litter and brought in the mail. When she feeds me normally she waits a while before putting my medicine in my eyes since she stays so long. This time I asked her to do it first though cause my eyes were feeling funny. I kept feeling like they were going to cross past eachother or something. I kept seeing two of everything and I didn't know which thing was the right one to look at. It sure is a relief when she puts that stuff in my eyes even though it feels weird right when she does it. Skye is hiding up in the bedroom and I don't know if she'll come down tonight or not. She said she didn't feel like being social this evening since she was social earlier this morning. Maybe when she hears how much fun we're having down here she'll head down to visit with us.

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