Sunday, February 4, 2007

Lika's Journal

Hey guys it's me Lika. I know you haven't met me yet but this is your chance. Ok I'll tell you a little bit about myself. Let's see I'm a little over 2 feet tall, I have yellow/black furr, I love to roll in the grass and sing to people. Any way I'm writing in my first blog entry but I wasn't sure what to put so I described myself. The petsitter came last night and stayed the night with us. She is scared of the dolls in the house. She said that when kids aren't around dolls make her nervous. She took one of the dolls and made it face downward so that it wasn't looking at her all the time. She's funny. She kept saying something about Chucky. I don't know what she was talking about. We went on our walk today and when we got back the petsitter got mad at herself cause she forgot to get the mail from the mail box and she was too lazy to walk down the drive way to get it. She kept snuggling with us and going out to the back yard with us because she was afraid we were bored with her. She said that now that we have kids in our house that she's not the most exciting thing going on. She could be right I guess. Any way I guess that's all for today. Let me know what you think of my picture.

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